Bradenton Sex Crimes Lawyer

It should be no surprise that sex crimes are some of the most stigmatized criminal charges. Whether someone is convicted of a minor sex offense or a major felony, the consequences of a conviction will follow them for the rest of their life. Even if you are innocent and acquitted, being accused of a sex crime is not something to take lightly, as it can permanently alter your reputation.

If you have been charged with a sex crime in Florida, you have options. A Bradenton sex crime defense lawyer can help you challenge these charges effectively. We work tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected and that you are treated fairly. Our criminal defense attorneys will evaluate your case, review the evidence, and determine the best defenses to apply. Contact Goldman Wetzel today to explore your options.

Sex Crimes in Florida

Sex-related offenses are some of the most challenging cases. However, no matter the circumstances, the defendant is entitled to a fair process. In sex crime cases, it is particularly important for prosecutors, defense attorneys, and the judge to ensure a defendant’s rights are vigorously protected. Some of the most commonly charged sex offenses include:

  • Rape
  • Prostitution
  • Indecent exposure
  • Human trafficking
  • Sexual assault or battery
  • Failure to register as a sex offender
  • Possession or production of child pornography

Consulting with a sex crimes lawyer in Bradenton is essential to understand the potential penalties and develop a strong defense strategy.

Common Defense Strategies in Sex Crimes Cases

One of the most basic principles of law is that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Yet, in sex crime cases, defendants often face an uphill battle to prove they are not guilty in court despite the presumption of innocence. Although there is no legal obligation to put forth a defense, sometimes the best approach is to mount a vigorous defense in a sex offense case. Some common defenses against sex crime charges can include:

  • Insufficient evidence of guilt: The prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. If the evidence is lacking, charges may be dropped.
  • Elements of the offense not proven: The prosecution must prove every element of the alleged crime. If they fail to establish any necessary component, the case may be weakened.
  • Entrapment: This could be a valid defense if law enforcement induced you to commit a crime you otherwise would not have.
  • Consent: Demonstrating that the alleged act was consensual could be a powerful defense.
  • Violation of constitutional rights: Evidence obtained through illegal searches or seizures may be excluded from court.

The exact approach depends heavily on the details of the case, including the type of charges, criminal history, and evidence against the accused. An experienced Bradenton sex crimes attorney will dedicate time to understanding all the elements involved to present the best strategy for protecting an accused person’s future.

Speak With a Bradenton Sex Crimes Attorney for Legal Guidance

Facing allegations of sexual assault or any sex crime can be incredibly stressful. A Bradenton sex crimes lawyer can provide crucial guidance and support throughout your case.

At Goldman Wetzel, our dedicated attorneys have extensive experience representing clients against a range of sex offenses. We are prepared to handle challenging cases that other attorneys might shy away from. Every accused individual has the right to legal representation and to present a defense. Let us fight for your rights and advocate on your behalf at every stage of the legal process. Call today.